The Bruker EMXplus Spectrometer System uses EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) which is a very useful and powerful technique for studying samples that are paramagnetic (i.e. have unpaired electrons). Applications of EPR include:
- Kinetics of radical reactions
- Redox processes
- Metal ions
- Defects in crystals
- Polymer properties
- Effects of ionizing radiation
- Spin labeling and spin trapping
- Antioxidants
- Enzyme and carcinogenic reactions
- and many more
Spectrometer Features:
- Microwave Frequency Range: CW X-Band (9 - 9.8GHz)
- X-Band Solid State Ultra Low Noise Microwave Bridge
- Max leveled source output: 200 mW
- Max. attenuation: 60 dB
- Tuning range: 60 MHz
- Integrated Bridge Controller w/ real time display for optimizing parameters
- Digital Ultra High Resolution Hall Field Controller
- Operating Range: 100 G - 18 kG
- Sweep Range: up to 0 - 18 kG (0 - 1.8 mT) in one scan
- High Linearity Modulation Amplifier Module: 500 Hz - 120 kHz
- High Sensitivity Probehead
- Q > 15,000
- Optical window for photactivated experiments
- Up to 10mm sample tube access
- Max. modulation amplitude: 20 G
- Automatic cavity tuning and matching
- AquaX and Flat Cell accessories for aqueous samples
- Nitrogen and Helium cryostats for VT and Low T experiments, respectively
- ENDOR Probehead w/ freqency range of 1 - 100 MHz
- Programmable Goniometer for aquiring spectra at different orientations of the applied magnetic field with respect to the sample
- Simulation Software: XSophe