This microscope illuminates samples from above as well as from below as in a conventional microscope. Most users will be interested in using light from above the sample to illuminate and energize the sample. Excitation in the ultraviolet (330-385nm), blue (460-490 nm), green (510-550 nm) and full spectrum light are available. The microscope has magnifications of 20, 40, 100 and 200 power. Both the reflected light and sample fluorescence may be viewed through and recorded at the microscope. A Nikon Coolpix 5.1 megapixal camera as well as a USB camera with image capture software are available for recording images.
All instruments are available for responsible users to test their own samples. Training is offered quarterly for the more complex instruments and users may self train on the other instruments any time. More information
There are specific insurance and liability requirements for off-campus facility users. They are described at this link: Non-UCSB Use of MRL Facilities
All people working in the TEMPO lab are required to follow good practice and to have already attended the UCSB EH&S Laboratory Safety Training. Contact Amanda Strom or 805-893-7925 for more information.