Nikon Optophot Upright Microscope
The MRL X-ray Facility provides state-of-the-art x-ray diffraction tools for characterizing structural properties of a wide range of materials including metals and composites, polymers and biological materials, and electronic and optoelectronic materials in the lengthscale range of 0.1 nm - 100 nm. As a key research asset of the MRL, the x-ray facility is accessible by MRL researchers as well as off-campus academic groups and industrial users. In addition to maintaining an array of commercial and custom-built specialty instruments, the facility staff also conducts active research in developing new x-ray imaging methods and instrumentation to advance the capabilities of x-ray characterization techniques.
Nikon Optophot Upright Microscope
Winner of the 2011 R&D 100 Award for ‘winning technology’, the Empyrean boasts not only the highest the highest angular resolution of any laboratory diffractometer, but the highest dynamic range and lowest noise of any commercial diffractometer as well.
X-ray sources: 2.2 kW Philips ceramic sealed tube source...
X-ray source: Philips high intensity ceramic sealed tube (3kW)...
The SmartLab high-resolution diffraction system represents the state of the art in fully automated modular XRD systems.
The ZSX Primus IV is Rigaku’s newest and most powerful XRF spectrometer.
The SAXS instrument provides cutting edge capabilities for probing large lengthscale structures such as polymers, biological macromolecules, meso- and nano-porous materials, and molecular self-assemblies.